Job Information
  • Employee Type:

    Part Time
  • Job Type:

  • Experience:

    5+ Years
  • Payment:

    $30 - $65
  • Date posted:

    06 Feb, 2021
  • Contact Person:

    Tofiq Quadri
  • Website:

  • Company:

    Developers Hive

Construction App Development

Job Description:

We are currently interested in developing an app which will keep track of our equipment for a construction company. Please give us a quote that you believe will give us the best price and quality. The app must be able to do the following: Provide a complete list of material Provide a list of material at each construction site and our yard Allow for equipment to be transferred from site to another and update the amount of equipment on each site in real time Allow for equipment to be added and deleted to the list as required Create and order for material When material is leaving a construction site it is not practical to count items at site, we would like to incorporate a feature where a photo can be taken to show that material has left a site uncounted and needs to be checked. Incorporate some sort of digital signature so that when equipment is received, the receiver accepts that they have received.

About Company: